Curriculum Vitae


“Pitagora” High School in Crotone, Italy. 

Degree in Mathematics at “Renato Cacciopoli” Department of “Federico II” University in Naples (Italy), at 22 years old; the title of my thesis : “Gamma-sequential convergence”; supervisor: prof. Carlo Sbordone, President of Union Italian Mathematicians (UMI).

In academic year 1993/94 Specialization post degree in “ Methods of evaluation” at “Rome Three” University in  Rome, Italy.

In academic year 1994/95 Specialization post degree in “Vocational guidance ”  at “Rome Three” University in Rome, Italy.

In academic years 1994/95 and 1995/1996 Specialization post degree in “ Communication and  multimedia technologies”  at the University of  Turin (Italy). 

On 25th June 2010 I obtained a degree with first class honours  in Philosophy and Theology at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, “San Tommaso d’Aquino” in Naples (Italy). 

On 4th June 2015 I obtained a  Master’s degree with first class honours  in Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, “San Tommaso d’Aquino” in Naples (Italy). Thesis on “Science, Faith and Agape”


– Dame with crown of Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) 

– Professor, member of the staff of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Southern Maine (USA), in the areas of Math Education, Sample Surveys and Statistical Consulting. 

– In 2007 Program Committee Member in the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA), Orlando, Florida, USA. 

– From 2008 up till now Program Committee Member in World Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) in USA. 

  • – I led the following PhDs and Projects:
  • PhD on epistemology and complexity at the University of Peloponnese in Sparta, Greece. I edited the Proceedings of the 2007 World Conference held at the University of Peloponnese in Sparta. The conference was sponsored by the President of the Greek Republic who attended the conference.
  • the project on Music and Mathematics in Samos, Greece.
  • PhD on Complexity and Globalization at the University in Costanza, Romania

the Research Project on “AIDS” at the faculty of  Engineering at the University of Botswana, Africa. This research project concerns both Africa and Asia.


1.Italian Society of Modeling and SimulationMIMOS, Turin (Italy) 

2. International Institute of Computer Science, Cybernetics and Systems, Orlando, Florida, USA. This Institute is member of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR) of the United States of America. 

3. Mathematical Association of America, MAA, founded in 1915 with headquarters in Washington D.C., USA. 


 – Business, Industry and Government 

 – Philosophy and Mathematics 

–  Art and Mathematics 

–  History of Mathematics 

–  Mathematics for the Web   

– Environmental Mathematics 

– Mathematical and Computational Biology  

5. SIGMAA on Math Circles for Students and Teachers 

6.Since January 2017 lifetime member of the American Mathematical Society, AMS, USA.


   –  Zentralblatt  MATHzbMATH.

It is a major international reviewing service providing reviews for articles in pure and applied mathematics, produced by the Berlin office of FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure GmbH. Editors are the European Mathematical Society (EMS), FIZ Karlsruhe, and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. zbMATH is distributed by Springer Science+Business Media.        

        –  open, non-blinded reviewer at the 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications: CITSA 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA. 

      – at the World Conference on Computer, Information, and System Sciences, and Engineering, CISSE, organized by the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers IEEE,University of Bridgeport, USA 

       – at the World Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics jointly with the International Conferences on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, Florida, USA


  • University of Peloponnese, Greece 
  • prof. Sat Gupta, University of North Carolina in Greensboro (USA) 
  • prof. Veljko Milutinovic, Fellow of the IEEE, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro 
  • prof. Bal Kishan Dass, University of Delhi, India, 
  • prof.  Chong Ming Lin, Sunnyvale, California (USA) and Cina 
  • prof. Professor K. L. Kumar, head of the Department of Industrial Design & Technology, faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Botswana, Africa 
  • prof. JoAnne Growney, Silver Spring, MD, USA 
  • prof. Reza Sarhangi, Towson University, Towson, Maryland, USA 
  • prof. Gizem Karaali, California, USA 
  • prof Douglas Norton, Villanova University, USA

My topic is complexity in many fields: from epistemology to economy, engineering, anthropology and etc…

Many of my works have been published not only in Italian and English, but also in several foreign languages, including Greek, Romanian and even Chinese.

I held, on invitation, conferences in Europe, America, India, China, Africa, and I am co-author of many works with Indian academics, supervised young Indian researchers’ PhDs and I follow Indian scientific projects in general.

My collaborations with professors, intellectuals and professionals from various parts of the world do not only concern the scientific-mathematical research field, but, above all,  aim at intercultural dialogue. And this, in particular, I undertook with Chong Ming Lin, engineer.

The illustrious Chinese researcher and I have wanted to emphasize that even if we come from different cultures, civilizations, traditions and religions, it is possible to work together in every field in the respect of the values ​​of every human being.

This has been highlighted in many conferences (see, for example, works presented in Florida), as well as in papers published in several international journals: for example American and Indian journals. 

In addition, my poetry and music performances  have always been presented together with the Chinese researcher’s splendid paintings , demonstrating that art and science can fuse for peace in the world.

This is  why I was asked to re-propose also in Boston the poem “I with you, math poetry for peace,” already presented in New Orleans and New York.

And this intercultural perspective is so appreciated in international circles that Reza Sarhangi, professor at the Towson University in USA and founder of BridgeS, a world association of maths, music, art and culture, has strongly wanted my participation in the BridgeS event held in Coimbra, Portugal, in 2011.


1Fractal Dimension and Scale Problems, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, accepted on 1994 May 12th, published on 1997 January, N.1 pp. 65-76 Udine, Italy  

2A Fractal Interpretation of Exponential Law, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, accepted on 1994 November 19th, published on 1997 January, N. 1 pp. 129-136 Udine, Italy  

3Perimeter-Area Relationship: Comparison between Thin Fractal-Fat Fractal and Implications,Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, accepted on 1995 April 21th, published on 1998 January, N.3 pp. 9-15 Udine, Italy  

4. On connected fractal sets, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, accepted on 1995 June 21th, published on 1998 January, N. 3 pp. 17-22 Udine, Italy  

5. On the Completeness of Fractals, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, accepted on 1995 October 14th, published on 1998 January, N. 3 pp. 23-28 Udine, Italy  

6. Real Numbers. 1 

The addition and multiplication operation in the affine plan 

Acts of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science, 

vol. LXXIX Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, pp.75-88, 2001, Messina, Italy  

7. Real Numbers. 2 

The Axes. The axiom of the Total Order Relationship and of  Continuity. The Reals 

Acts of  Physical, Mathematical and Natural Science, 

vol. LXXIX Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, pp.89-98, 2001, Messina, Italy  

8. Numeration Systems, Periodico di Matematiche, Series VIII Vol.2 N.1, 2002 January- March,  pp. 67-76, Teramo, Italy  

9Geometric Construction of the Field of Real Numbers,Series “Quaderni della Mathesis” N.1 of Mathesis Journal, 2002 June, Teramo, Italy.  

10. Meromorphic Functions on Elliptical Curves, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 5 (2002) 3, pp.267-292 Delhi, India  

11. Fractal Analysis and Financial Evaluations with M. Squillante and A.Ventre, on web-site Matematicamente, September-October 2003.  

12. Is the Distance a Geometric Concept?, Gazeta Matematica, Romanian Mathematical Society, n. 1, Iasi, Romania 2004  

13. Fractal Analysis and Financial Evaluations with M. Squillante and A. Ventre, web magazine “Meridiano Scuola, Matematica e Società” edited by Domenico Lenzi, 2004 April 7.  

14. High Density Knowledge Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference “Ancient Greek ports” on the topic “Ancient and Modern Migrants, Builders of Cities and Citizenships”, S.Severina –Locri, Italy, 29 November-2 Dicember 2004  

15. Common Fixed Points for Families of Commutative Transformations, with M. Squillante and A. Ventre, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, vol.8 ,N. 2, pp.175-188, Taru Publications, Delhi, India, 2005.  

16. Multifractal evaluation of stock indices, with M. Squillante and A. Ventre,  published on  “Quality, Reliability and Information Technology. Trends and future directions”, pp. 371-376, Narosa Publishing House, Delhi, India, 2005.  

17. Optimal Codes for Burst Error Correction, Proceedings of the International Conference IPSI 2005,  Amalfi , Italy, 2005  

18. Systems and Complexity with M. Squillante and A. Ventre, Research Topics in Computer Science,     pp.19-29, Panfilius, Iasi, Romania, 2005 

19. Systems and Complexity with M. Squillante and A. Ventre, Scientific Annals of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine- Iasi, Romania, Tom XLVIII, v.2, pp 325-338, 2005.  

20. The new frontiers of mathematics with Umberto Solimene, Proceedings of the International Conference “Internet, Processing, Systems for e-education/e-business, and Interdisciplinaries”, University of Belgrade, Serbia Montenegro, in collaboration with Fraunhofer, Germany, 2005. 

21. The strategy of the reduction algorithm. Vectores and Matrices , published on “Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications” vol II, pp 191-195, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2005.  

22. (1, 2) Optimal Codes over GF(7), with B.K.Dass and Sapna Jain, published on “Quality, Reliability and Information Technology. Trends and future directions”, pp. 371-376, Narosa Publishing House, Delhi, India, 2005.  

23. Linear Algebra, with Jacques Guenot, ebook published by Scriptaweb, catalog 135, Naples, Italy, 2006, 

ISBN: 88-89543-58-2978-88-89543-58-0  

24. Shapes, numbers and sounds, in “Arte e Matematica. Un sorprendente binomio”, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, Arte Tipografica Editrice, Naples, Italy, 2006. 

25.Information, Code Optimization and Entropy, in “Methods, Models and Information Technologies in Support of Decisions”, Franco Angeli, Milan, Italy, 2006  

26.The dimensions of the mind. A path between reason and faithFrom Pythagoras to Modern Physics,Asprenas, 2006  

27. Modifications to Warner’s Model using blank cards, with Sat Gupta and Javid Shabbir, American Journal of Mathematics and Management Sciences , Vol. 26, 1-198, Syracuse, New York, USA, 2006  

28. (1, 2) Optimal Codes over GF(5), with B.K. Dass and Sapna Jain, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Vol. 9, N. 2, pp. 319-326, New Delhi, India, 2006  

29. Modification of Singh’s Randomization Device for Estimating the Prevalence of a Sensitive Attribute, Università di Iasi, Romania  

30. On Modified Warner’s Randomized Response Model, Università di Iasi, Romania.  

31. The “dimensions” of the mind  Proceedings of the International Conference IPSI, Carcassonne, France, 2006  

32. Between Science and Faith: An Intercultural Dialogue, in “Famiglia Domenicana”,  Magazine of Philosophy and Theology, Year XXVIII, N.3, pp. 15-16, Italy, 2006 

33. H POLUFWNIA THS SKEHS , The polyphony of the mind, newspaper “Samiakos Typos” , Samos, Greece, 22 May 2006 

34. De la Pitagora la fizica celei de-a cincea dimensiuni, From Pythagoras to Physics of the “Fifth” Dimension, with Teodosie Petrescu, newspaper “Observator de Constanta”, p. 14,  20 April 2006, Costanza, Romania. 

35. Dimensiunile Mintii : De la Pitagora la fizica celei de-a cincea dimensiuni, with Teodosie Petrescu, “Actualitatea Ortodoxa” magazine, Anul VI, Numarul 53, p. 4, June 2006, Romania. 

36. Organizing Strategies of International Events, Proceedings of the workshop “The Pythagorean Gymnasium”, Crotone, Italy, 2006 

37. The logic of the unity, Proceedings of the International Conference “Ortodoxia Romaneasca si Miscarea Ecumenica, 45 de ani de prezenta a Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane in Consilium Mondial al Bisericilor (1961- 2006)”, “The Rumenian Orthodox, and the Ecumenical Movement. 45 Years from the Entrance of the Rumenian Orthodox Church to the World Council of Churches”, Ovidius University of Costanza, Faculty of Theology, Theological, Ecumenical and Intercultural Research Center “Sf. Ioan Casian”, Costanza, Romania, 2006 July 4-5 

38. Infinite descent or infinite ascent ? Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications (CITSA), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2006 

39. Systems to high density of knowledge, Proceedings of the Symposium on Knowledge Communication and Peer Reviewing (KCPR), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2006 

40. Knowledge Management: Of Strategy and Numbers, with Chong Ming Lin, International Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 19(2), 259-266, Bhopal, India, 2007 

41. Clash in Civilizaitons ?  or Cash in Cultures ! , with Chong Ming Lin, Proceedings Vol. III, 11th World Multi-Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI), organized by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, (member of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR)), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007  

42. Knowledge Generation and Management: Economical and Social Impacts, with Chong Ming Lin, Proceedings Vol. III, International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007  

43. Alternative techniques for the education of the human body, with Koukoumbiki E. and Konstantinakos P., Proceedings 2nd World Congress in Sport Management, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece, 2007  

44. Complexity and Life Quality, Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress in Sport Management, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece, 2007 

45. The adventures of the human body in history, with Tremouli M., Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress in Sport Management, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece, 2007  

46. The organization of physical activities in the educational system of ancient Sparta, with Papapostolou M., Konstantinakos P., and Aygerinou B., Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress in Sport Management, University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece, 2007  

47. Complex Variables for Strategy: From Bombelli’s Imaginary Number, Steinmetz’s Phasor Domain to Sunzi’s Art of War, with Chong Ming Lin , Proceedings of the World Multi-Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, WMSCI, 2008, Florida USA.  


ARTS, SPORT & SCIENCE IN ANCIENT SPARTA OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM  edited by Rosanna Iembo and Pantelis Konstantinakos, Aracne, Italy  

49. Iconografie ed iconologie dell’infinito “FESTIVAL Musica & Filosofia”, Naples, Italy, 2008 July 9-12   

50.Title: The Seven “Es” in the New Global Economy and Engineering Education: 

Subtitle: Earth, Equilibrium, Environment, Energy, Entropy, Ethics, Empathy: From East West Disconnection to M.I.T. Disciplinary Integration, with Chong Ming Lin, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Spring 2009 Northeast Conference, April 3-4, 2009    University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A.Conference Theme: Engineering in the New Global Economy  

51. Mathematical Poem Title: All the World’s a Complex  System— Of the Imaginary and the Real with violin, violinist: Irene Iaccarino; World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Washington D.C., USA,January 2009  

52. Mathematical Poem Title: Il mondo, un sistema complesso with violin; violinist: Irene Iaccarino event: “Ingegneri d’Argento”, faculty of Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy, May 2009  

53.Mathematical Poem title: Once upon a time, there was… 

with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Francisco, USA, January 2010  


subtitle: A epistemological “fable” of music and mathematics,Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM. San Francisco, USA, January 2010 Presentation of a short film too. 

55. Mathematical Poem title: I with you, Math Poetry for Peace with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, New Orleans, USA, January 2011  

56. The School of Empathy,Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, New Orleans, USA, January 2011  

57. Mathematical Poem title: It was the year…., 

with violin; violinist: Irene Iaccarino; World Conference of Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture, BRIDGES,  Coimbra, Portugal, July 2011. 

Presentation of a short film too.  

58. Trilogy of Mathematical Poems 

  • –    I with you, Math Poetry for Peace
  • –    Once upon a time, there was…
  • –    The Game of Confetti 

with violin; violinist: Irene Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Boston, USA, January 2012, Report on “The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics”, California, USA. 

59. Mathematical Poem title: The Call with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Diego, USA, January 2013. 

60. Mathematics, Music and Biology: the “we”of empathy, with Irene Iaccarino and Michele Bernasconi, researcher at the Zurich University Hospital. Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Diego, USA, January 2013 

61. Mathematical Poem title: The Arrival with violin; violinist: Irene Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2014.  

62. And Cantor said to God: I come away with You…, paper on the infinite from the triadic viewpoints of science, anthropology and theology. 

Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Baltimore (USA), January 2014. 

63. Food for Empathy in the School of Pythagoras and his wife Theanò, paper on the importance of the food in the School of Pythagoras and his wife Theanò. Food has been presented in its social and ethical value, that is, food as a source of life, good health and livelihood, respect for the environment, animals and human being..Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Baltimore (USA), January 2014.  

64. 6th or 5th century before Christ: the start up of globalization, the beginning of a magic…: paper on the concept of “globalization”of science and ethics as it was conceived in the context of the teachings of the Pythagorean School and widespread in the ancient world. 

Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Antonio, Texas (USA), January 2015.  

65. Mathematical poem title: The Mission, with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Antonio, Texas (USA), January 2015.  

66. Pythagorean Women, Symphony of Science, Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Seattle, USA, January 2016. 

67. Mathematical Poem title: Life is… 

with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Seattle, USA, January 2016  

68. Mathematical Poem title: Myia & Milo’s marriage with violins; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, January 2017 Presentation a short movie too   

69. Myia married Milo. And mathematics, music and athletic melted in beautiful harmony in Crotone’s Pythagorean School, Proceedings of the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), January 2017 


1. Fractals : seminar held at the University of Calabria; Cosenza, Italy, 1993 June 3rd

2. Measure of Hausdorff: seminar held at the University of Calabria; Cosenza, Italy, 1993 June 15th

3. Group theory and applications: workshop organized by University of Milan, University of Trent, University of Naples, Region Calabria, Province of Crotone, Municipality of Cotronei; Cotronei, Italy, September 2000 

4. The directions of the change. Mathematics after the reforms: workshop organized by “Bocconi” University; Milan, Italy, 2002 April 17th-18th-19th 

5. From Affine Geometry to Euclidean Geometry, lecture held at the workshop “New programmes for the new degrees : Mathematics and Computer Science”; Tropea, Italy, 2002 September 16th-17th-18th

6. The reorganization of the teaching of mathematics in the university courses: workshop organized by the University of Rome III, Pristem Association, Mathesis Association, Pugnochiuso, Italy, 2002 June 6th-7th-8th  

7. Mathematics between tradition and innovation : an European comparison: workshop organized by University of  Bergamo; Bergamo, Italy, 2002 October 17th-18th-19th 

8. Matmedia:, online laboratory for teaching and learning of Mathematics: workshop organized by Ministery for Education, University and Research and Mathesis Association,Vico Equense, Italy, 2002 December 11th-12th-13th 

9. Non usual problems in Mathematics: workshop organized by University of Rome 3 and Mathesis Association, Benevento, 2003 February 14th

10. The role of woman in Pythagorean School: lecture held in Crotone, Italy, 2003 February 28th

11. Theory of the hyperstructures and applications in Economics and Engineering: meeting at “G. D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy, 2003 January 20th-21th-22th

12. Shapes, numbers and sounds, lecture held at the workshop on “Mathematics and Art: an astonishing binomial”, Vasto, Italy, 2003 April 10th-12th

13. School & University: Mathematics project: workshop organized by “Bocconi” University and PRISTEM – ELEUSI Association, Milan, Italy, 2003 April 14th.

14. Mathematical Methods for Economics: meeting at theFaculty of Economics, University of

Varese, Varese, 2003 April. 

15. Mathematical Patterns and Fractals in Bioclimatology: meeting with prof. Umberto Solimene at the University of Milan, Milan, 2003 July. 

16. A pattern made by cellular automata for the simulation of the evolution of woods of pinus laricio: international workshop on Artificial Life, University of Calabria, 2003 September 5th-6th

17. Multifractal evaluation of stock indeces: lecture at the 4th International Workshop on Preferences and Decisions; Trent, September 2003 23th-26th

18. Fractal Analysis and Financial Evaluations: lecture held at the Conference on “The Mathematics Teaching in the Reforms of the University and Other School Orders”, S.Cesarea Terme (LE) 28 Settembre-1 Ottobre 2003                                                                      

19. (1, 2) Optimal Codes over GF(5): speaker at the 10th International Conference “Forum for Interdisciplinary: Mathematics, Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas”; co- authors: B.K.Dass and Sapna Jain; Portland, Maine U.S.A., 2003 October 3th-5th

20. Systems to high density of knowledge: international workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications “WILF 2003”; co-authors: M. Squillante and A. Ventre; 2003 October,  Naples, Italy. 

21. (1, 2) Optimal Codes over GF(7): speaker at the 2th International Conference on Quality, Reliability and IT (Trends and future directions) [ICQRIT]; co-authors: B.K.Dass and Sapna Jain; Delhi, India, 2003 December 18th-21th

22. Multifractal evaluation of stock indeces: speaker at the 2th International Conference on Quality, Reliability and IT (Trends and future directions) [ICQRIT]; co-authors: M. Squillante and A. Ventre; Delhi, India, 2003 December 18th-21th

23. Mathematics is/and Culture: conference in Benevento, Italy, 2004 March 4-6. 

24. Information, Code Optimization and Entropy: lecture held at the workshop on Methods, Models and Information Technology for the Decisions; Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, 24-25 June 2004. 

25. Systems and Complexity: lecture held at the Third European Conference on Intelligence Systems and Technologies-ECIT 2004-, Iasi, Romania, 21-23 July 2004. 

26. New Economic Windows (New 2004), Complexity Hints for Economic Policy: International Conference at the Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno, Italy, 16-18 Settembre 2004 

27. High Density Knowledge Systems: lecture held at the International Conference on “Ancient Greek ports” on the topic “Ancient and Modern Migrants, Builders of Cities and Citizenships”,S.Severina –Locri, Italy, 29 November-2 Dicember 2004. 

28. Modifications to Warner’s Model using blank cards: lectur held at the 11th International Conference: “Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Statistical Techniques”, SCRA 2004-FIM XI, co-authors: Sat Gupta e Javid Shabbir, Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, India, 2004 December 27-29 

29. Optimal Codes for Burst Error Correction: lecture held at the International Conference IPSI 2005,Amalfi, Italy, 2005 February 17-20 

30. Systems and Complexity: lecture held at the4th Annual Symposium on Mathematics applied in Biology and Biophysics, Università “Ion Ionescu De La Brad”, Iasi, Romania, May 2005. 

31. The new frontiers of mathematics: lecture held at the International Conference on “Internet, Processing, Systems for e-education/e-business, and Interdisciplinaries”, general chair prof. Veljko Milutinovic, Fellow of the IEEE, University of Belgrade with Fraunhofer, Germany; co-author: Umberto Solimene (head of the Center for Research in Medical Bioclimatology, Biotechnology, Natural Medicine of the University of Milan and Vice President of the World Health Organization), Belgrade, Serbia Montenegro, 2005 June 2-5. 

32. The strategy of the reduction algorithm. Vectores and Matrices: lecture held at the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA’05, organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (member of the International Federation of Systems Research) Orlando, Florida, USA, July 14-17, 2005. 

33. The complexity of natural and social phenomena: lecture held at the V National Conference on “Mathematics and Nature” organized by Ministry of Education, University and Research,MIUR, Union Italian Mathematicians, UMI, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, “Federico II” University of Naples , “La Sapienza” University of Roma, University of Sannio (Benevento), University of Teramo;  Montesarchio (Benevento), March 2006 

34. The logic of the unity: lecture held at the International Conference “Ortodoxia Romaneasca si Miscarea Ecumenica, 45 de ani de prezenta a Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane in Consilium Mondial al Bisericilor (1961- 2006)”, “The Rumenian Orthodox, and the Ecumenical Movement. 45 Years from the Entrance of the Rumenian Orthodox Church to the World Council of Churches”, “Ovidius” University of Costanza, Faculty of Theology, Theological Ecumenical and Intercultural Research Center “Sf. Ioan Casian”, Costanza, Romania, 2006 July 4-5 

35. Infinite descent or infinite ascent ?: lecture held at the 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA’06, organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (member of the International Federation of Systems Research), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2006 Jule.  

36. Organizing Strategies of International Events: lecture held at the workshop “The Pythagorean Gymnasium”, organized by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, University of Peloponnese (Greece), Italy-Greece League, Municipality of Crotone, Municipality of Santa Severina. Also I was a member of the Scientific Committee and General Chair of the workshop; Crotone, Italy, 2006 November 6-10.


37. Alternative techniques for the education of the human body, 

      Complexity and Life Quality, 

      The adventures of the human body in history, 

      The organization of physical activities in the educational system of ancient Sparta: lectures held at the 2nd World Congress of Sport Management at the University of Peloponnese, Sparta, Greece, 2007 Jule 7-10. 

38. Clash in Civilizaitons ?  or Cash in Cultures !: lecture held at the World Multi-Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI),organized by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, (member of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR)); co-author: Chong Ming Lin; Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007.  

39. Knowledge Generation and Management: Economical and Social Impacts: lecture held at the  International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management (KGCM); co-author: Chong Ming Lin; Orlando, Florida, USA, 2007. 

40. Complex Variables for Strategy: From Bombelli’s Imaginary Number, Steinmetz’s Phasor Domain to Sunzi’s Art of War :lecture held at the 12th World Multi-Conferences on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI), organized by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, (member of the International Federation for Systems Research (IFSR)); co-author: Chong Ming Lin; Orlando, Florida, USA, 2008 Jule. 

41. Editor with Konstantinakos Pantelis of the Proceedings “PAST FUTURE 

ARTS, SPORT & SCIENCE IN ANCIENT SPARTA OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM” of the Second World Congress in Sports Management held on June 2007 at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Sport Management in Sparta, Greece,  

42. Iconografie ed iconologie dell’infinito: lecture held at the Conference “FESTIVAL Music & Philosophy”, Naples 2008 Jule 9-12. 

43.The Seven “Es” in the New Global Economy and Engineering Education: 

Earth, Equilibrium, Environment, Energy, Entropy, Ethics, Empathy: From East West Disconnection to M.I.T. Disciplinary Integration: lecture held at the Conference organized by American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE); co-author:  Chong Ming Lin; University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, 2009 April 3-4.    

 44. All the World’s a Complex  System — Of the Imaginary and the Real 

Mathematical poem and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in Washington D.C., USA; violinist: Irene Iaccarino; 2009 January. 

45. Il mondo, un sistema complesso Mathematical poem and music; violinist: Irene Iaccarino. Guest performance at the event “Ingegneri d’Argento”, faculty of Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy; May 2009. 

46. Once upon a time, there was….. 

Mathematical poem and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in San Francisco, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2010  

47. ONCE UPON A TIME, THERE WAS……: A epistemological “fable” of music and mathematics: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM. San Francisco, USA, January 2010 Presentation of a short movie, too.  

48. C’era una volta Mathematical poem and music; violinist: Irene Iaccarino. Guest performance at the “Pythagoras Award”, Crotone, Italy, 2010 November 5. 

Report on Polymath, Turin Polytechnic Magazine  

49. I with you, Math Poetry for Peace  Mathematical poem and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in New Orleans, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2011  

50. The School of Empathy: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, New Orleans, USA, January 2011

51. Mathematical Poem It was the year…., 

with violin; violinist: Irene Iaccarino at the Poetry Reading and short film at the Short Movie Festival of the World Conference of Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture, BRIDGES,  Coimbra, Portugal, July 2011. 

Flattering reports on the online magazines “Il Parlamentare” e “ComunicareItalia”  

52. I with you, Math Poetry for Peace 

     Once upon a time, there was… 

     The Game of Confetti 

Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in Boston, USA; violinist: Irene Iaccarino; January 2012. Report on “The Journal of Humanistic Mathematics”, California, USA. 

53. The Call Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in San Diego, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2013 

54. “Mathematics, Music and Biology: the “we” of empathy”: speaker at the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in San Diego, USA, January 2013 

55. The Arrival Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA; violinist: Irene Iaccarino; January 2014 

56. And Cantor said to God: I come away with You…: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Baltimore (USA), January 2014 

57. Food for Empathy in the School of Pythagoras and his wife Theanò: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Baltimore (USA), January 2014. 

58. The Mission Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in San Antonio, Texas, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2015 

59. 6th or 5th century before Christ: the start up of globalization, the beginning of a magic…: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, San Antonio, Texas (USA), January 2015.  

60. Life is…  Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in Seattle, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2016  

61. Pythagorean Women, Symphony of Science: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Seattle, USA, January 2016. 

62. Myia & Milo’s marriage Mathematical poems and music at the Poetry Reading of the World Mathematical Meetings, JMM, in  

Atlanta, Georgia, USA; violinists: Irene and Miriam Iaccarino; January 2017  

63. Myia married Milo. And mathematics, music and athletic melted in beautiful harmony in Crotone’s Pythagorean School: speaker at the World Mathematics Meetings, JMM, Atlanta, Georgia (USA), January 2017 

64. Lectures on Women in Science at “Filolao” High School and “Pitagora” High School, Crotone, Italy, 2017 March 8 

65. I have carried out, with the Municipality of Crotone, “the Festival of STEM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics); event promoted in Italy by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research; Crotone, Italy, 2017 March 8


Patent for Pattern, Model, Sculpture : Registration N.0000099211, year 2012 

The drawing starts from the Moebius ribbon, but wants to represent different cultures, civilizations and traditions: in fact, pictures of the continents in the world are portrayed. 

The “image” of the mother and child gathering confetti, has the why in the poem “The game of confetti” written by me and presented, with great success, in the United States of America. 

In this poem a mother and her child seek to collect, in the carnival time, all the confetti that are in a street, but they are not able. 

So poetry talks of the Infinite, the Infinite Love of God for every human being. 

The painting (and sculpture) wants to be a hope of dialogue among people and respect for every human being.


1. “Great Minds of 21st  century”, USA, 2012  

2. Medal in respect of “Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st  century”, Cambridge, England, 2012  

3.PH.D, honoris causa, in letters for her many contributions to the academic community throughout the world most notably in Europe, India, China, Africa and the United States of America”, from Cambridge, England, 2013 Jule  

4. Cambridge Certificate for Outstanding Educational Achievement for services to Sciences, Letters and Arts, (numbered sixteen of only one hundred), from Cambridge, England 2013  

5. Membership of  “the order of international fellowship” , pro bono pubblico  for services to: “Education and Research and for her Creativity and Humanity”, from Cambridge, England, 2013   

6. My biography is in the 37th Edition of the Dictionary of International Biography, Cambridge, England, 2015  

On 7th March 2017, I got the Honorable Mention of the well-deserving citizen by the Municipality of Crotone, Italy.