In 2017 The American Mathematical Society (A.M.S)

founded in 1888, appoints prof. Rosanna Iembo an AMS lifetime member .
This nomination comes after many years of membership of the Mathematical Association of America (M.A.A)


Hera Lacinia Prize 2023

A NEW DAWN By ‘narrative voice’ of Leonardo da Vinci

by Rosanna Iembo, mathematician

Irene Iaccarino, violinist, professor of Music High School

Maria Rosaria Iaccarino, violinist, violist, headmaster 

Blue Bear, Denver, Colorado, USA, JMM 2020 2020

Review on the blog of JoAnne Growney, world-renowned American scientist and poet.

POETRY READING, Denver, Colorado, USA - 2020 "A NEW DAWN by ‘narrative voice’ of Leonardo da Vinci".

Rosanna Iembo, mathematician

Irene Iaccarino, violinist, professor of Music High School

Maria Rosaria Iaccarino, violinist,  violist, Headmaster 

Pitagora, Escher and United States of America

by Rosanna Iembo, M. Rosaria Iaccarino, Irene Iaccarino on MAA SIGMAA-ARTS Magazine, Issue 4, USA

Pitagora, Escher and United States of America.

Rosanna Iembo, M. Rosaria Iaccarino, Irene Iaccarino at the exhibit on Escher.


2018 May 5 , Rotary Club, Piazza Castello-Crotone

The poem of numbers

Music, poetry, mathematics, art and food: a path of interdisciplinary knowledge in the world

VII edition “Giovanni Carcea” Prize to

Rosanna Iembo, lifetime AMS mathematician

Play Video


Mathematician Rosanna Iembo in Municipality for the Pi Greek day

In the Pi Greek Day, Saturday, March 17 at 10.30 in the council chamber, the meeting “The ancient heart of interdisciplinary research: an intersection of music, poetry, art and mathematics”, was held with the world class professor Rosanna Iembo, mathematician. Professor Rosanna Iembo, a Lifetime member of American Mathematicians (AMS), presented her very personal work and a poem that she performed live, letting us navigate through the Pythagorean, Vincentian and Dante’s knowledge up to day.

Rosanna Iembo, mathematician, with Irene and Miriam Iaccarino, violinists, in SIGMAA - ARTS Newsletter, Special Interest Group of the MAA on Mathematics and the Arts (USA) - June 2017

A Marriage of Music and Mathematics

Italian mathematician and musician Rosanna Iembo is an interdisciplinary star that I have had the pleasure of meeting and hearing at poetry readings held at mathematics conferences. Iembo combines mathematical storytelling with live music; here is a link to a musical video of “The Marriage of Myia and Milo” narrated by Iembo, with musical accompaniment by her daughters and, below, I offer an abbreviated sample of a math-related portion of the poetic text.

An Evening of Poetry & Art

organized by SIGMAA – ARTS & Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meetings 2017

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Rosanna Iembo from Crotone like Theanò, ambassador of the Pythagorean School in the world.

“Some American colleagues call me Theanò. I laugh without correcting them. Calming myself in the shoes of Pythagoras’ wife at the bottom is a good feeling. Cosmologist, healer, mathematics, she was the first philosopher of ancient Kroton ». Rosanna Iembo is her heir to all intents and purposes: she embodies the vision for spirit, measure and training. But in her there is also a bit of Timycha, wife of Myllias of Crotone, Philtis daughter of Teofrio, Chilonis, daughter of Chilo the Spartan, Cratesiclea the Spartan: all the women of the School of Pythagoras. At least seventeen, according to the philosopher Giamblico. To be admitted to the community, men and women, they had first to learn to listen. As? Overcoming the test of silence. Click here

Special mention to Professor Iembo, Mathematics of America - March 7, 2017

The municipal administration has awarded the special mention, i.e. the highest honour of the city of Crotone, to Professor Rosanna Iembo. Mathematician of great and recognized fame, recently awarded in the United States for her work related to the Pythagorean universe and nominated – she revealed it during the ceremony – ‘Mathematics of America Life Time’, i.e. for life, Professor Iembo, while traveling the world for her profession, has never forgotten her roots. Just as she has not been forgotten by its city. The administration granted her the highest city honor, the mention, with provision of the City Council. Not a simple resolution but a way of “linking the name of Rosanna Iembo inextricably to the history of the city of Crotone” said the deputy mayor and councilor for culture Antonella Cosentino. Click here for further information

Rosanna Iembo, a Pythagorean vision

On the need to retrieve Pythagorean teachings, Rosanna Iembo, mathematician, theologian and poet, is convinced. Also this year her work based on Pythagorean philosophy and interdisciplinarity has been very successful in the United States of America.

The story, presented in Atlanta (Georgia), on the wedding of Myia, daughter of Pythagoras, and Milo, mixes poetry, music and philosophy and reveals the relevance and actuality of the Pythagorean thought. Thanks to Rosanna Iembo and to the collaboration of her daughter, Miriam Iaccarino, musician, the “festival” of the Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic), promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, was held for the first time this year in Crotone. «Making System Against Individualisms» “It is vital to make system and avoid any individualism,” says Rosanna Iembo, because in a globalized world, success is based on a team “game” conducted by public and private stakeholders for the common good of territory and in the respect for the human being. “Crotone-Samos twinning, concludes Rosanna Iembo, will be right if it can talk to the world and become appreciated in international circles.”

Pythagoras Museum, Crotone (Italy)

This morning at the “Pythagoras” Museum there was not just the feast of math, science and technology but above all the feast of the students from different schools in Crotone. 

For the first time, the Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research were held in Crotone. This event promoted by the deputy mayor Antonella Cosentino, has had the fundamental contribution of Professor Rosanna Iembo, a world famous mathematician, recently awarded the special mention of the city of Crotone. Click here

Culture: Crotone and STEM; Iembo, Calabria: back to its roots.

(AGI) – Crotone, 2017 March 29 – “”Calabria must go back to its roots, starting from the culture in terms of interdisciplinarity.”

Thus Rosanna Iembo, mathematician from Crotone, recently appointed lifetime member of the Mathematicians of the United States, comments to AGI.
This is her thought about the Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), a day of knowledge of the scientific disciplines promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research held for the first time in Calabria, in the city of Pythagoras thanks to the commitment of the Calabrian researcher. At the event, held in the Pythagoras park of the city, at least 200 people attended, mostly students of middle and high schools and one elementary school. “We can talk about everything,” explains Iembo, “at any age,” and we turned to young people aged 7 to 18. No wonder the initiative was appreciated by both adults and teenagers.” Professor Iembo showed at the auditorium her work recently presented at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle (USA) and it was very appreciated. The work combines science, mathematics and music. “An interdisciplinarity,” says the researcher, “dating back to the Pythagorean School and I would really like Calabria to re-appropriate of its past to plan its future.” Crotone is among the few Italian cities to host the STEM event. Miriam Iaccarino, musician and teacher, who worked for the full involvement of the town schools, explains the meaning: “The Stem promote scientific disciplines especially among girls who, by convention, often chose humanistic studies. The STEM started in the United States in the 2000s.
In Crotone this is the first time. (AGI) Adv.

Crotone – For 15 years Rosanna Iembo, a mathematician with a degree also in theology and philosophy, has been presenting her works to the USA, on the occasion of the world congress promoted by her American colleagues who recognize themselves in the two associations: the M.A.A. and the A.M.S. to which mathematicians from overseas are enrolled. The event is held every year in a different city on the initiative of the two associations. Mother and father from Crotone, a research doctorate in the prestigious Cambridge university, Rosanna Iembo was born in Naples where her parents were for work, but she has always lived in the city of Pythagoras and considers herself Calabrian in all respects. She leaves the city for the time required by American commitments. The peculiarity of her work, imbued with science and art, which this year earned her the recognition of having produced one of the ten best works in the world, lies in her rigorously Pythagorean philosophy, founded on the idea of interdisciplinarity. In the USA she is approved, at the invitation of the local academic authorities, thanks to her poems. In the presentation of the works, her two daughters, Miriam and Irene, both musicians, accompany her. The work is a film in which poetry merges with the music of the violins and philosophy, in a story which, starting from the wedding of Myia, daughter of Pythagoras, and Milo, a pupil of the founder in Crotone of the school of philosophy and mathematics, leads to the present day, revealing the scientific topicality of Pythagoras’ thought. Click here for further information

From Crotone (Italy) to the USA, Calabrian Mathematician Appointed AMS Lifetime Member: "Pythagoras is still alive"

Rosanna Iembo says : ” To enhance Italy, a cultural revolution is needed”. A career between the United States and Italy. The research work that Rosanna Iembo, a mathematician with degrees also in Theology and Philosophy, has brought to the States in the last 15 years, is rigorously based on Pythagorean thinking of interdisciplinarity. Former member of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Iembo became in January 2017, a lifetime member of the American Mathematical Society (AMS). The nomination came soon after the World Meeting of American Mathematicians (JMM), held this year in Atlanta (Georgia) Click here

Crotone (Italy), special mention to Professor Rosanna Iembo

The deputy mayor and councillor for culture Antonella Cosentino met with Professor Rosanna Iembo, who recently received great awards at the World Meeting of American Mathematicians.

In giving thanks on behalf of the Mayor Pugliese and the city community for the positive light that, through her work, was given to the City of Crotone at an international level, the deputy mayor communicated to prof. Iembo that the City Government will give her the high degree of the Honorable Mention. This special mention is a way by which the City Government wants to point out to the public estimation the meritorious work of those fellow-citizens who are distinguished in the cultural, productive and social sphere, and that through their activities make important contributions to the development of the territory and to the image of the city of Crotone. Professor Iembo, recently attending the World Meeting of Mathematicians in the United States, received remarkable appreciation for her scientific work on mathematics, art, music, science, philosophy, history, nutrition, health and sports.


A different way to celebrate the women’s day chosen by the “Pitagora” High School in Crotone, that is, students met Rosanna Iembo mathematician, who has become a lifetime member of American Mathematical Society (AMS) thanks to her tireless commitment in the field of research founded on the philosophical and scientific thinking of the Pythagorean School.

The Principal Nicola Armignacca introduced the meeting, recalling how still today full equality between men and women needs to be achieved and how the figure of Rosanna Iembo represents an example of “excellent” woman not only in our territory but internationally. The meeting, carried out within the activities planned for the “ClassicaMente KR-eativi” project, has been particularly intense and has brought Iembo to the places where everything started.
The researcher was a student of the “Pitagora” High School and emotionally has talked about and remembered her training. She told the students and their teachers how important it was for her to study Latin, Greek, Philosophy and all the disciplines that are part of the classical high school that “opened” her mind and helped her in her course of study. Certainly to all this, must be added the great dedication and commitment that characterizes the work of Prof. Iembo, who recently participated in the World Meeting of Mathematicians in the United States and received a remarkable appreciation for her scientific work embracing Mathematics, Art, Music, Science, Philosophy, History, Nutrition, Health and Sports. Spurred by the questions of the students, the researcher gave voice to one of her greatest aspirations, namely to realize something important here in Crotone with the schools because, (Iembo says) “It needs to achieve a cultural revolution starting from the bottom to the highest levels of our community. “It needs a shot of pride,” and this can happen only through the new generations.

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